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February 14th 2022
The first event included a draw for a Valentine’s Day basket with all proceeds going towards seniors’ activities. We would also like to thank all the local businesses that had contributed to our Valentine’s basket through their donations of products that helped fill the basket for a value of $250.00..
March 16th 2022
Continuing on with our Violence Against Women initiative, a meeting complete with supper, was held. The topic of this meeting centered around Women and Recidivism. Data gathered has since been shared with our involved partners.
March 23rd 2022
A two part information session was held to discuss the impact of HIV in our community. The first session topic involved a PAMWA staff member sharing their experiences as someone with HIV. They also shared information about the resources available locally as well as providing information about support groups that will assist those who have been diagnosed with HIV. The second part of the session focused on “Barriers of Systematic Racism”. The question to answer was "how has this affected our individual members and what we and the local community can do to eliminate some of these barriers".
March 30th 2022
Seniors Michif Bingo was held at the East Hill hall. After over a year of limited access to public and private organizations due to the COVID virus, the Prince Albert Metis Women’s Association provided seniors with an opportunity to get out of the house and visit with friends and family over lunch and bingo.
PAMWA will be hosting another Michif Bingo in February 2023, if interested please call 306 763 5356 and ask for Jill or Frances.
April 2022
Through the month of April, a variety of Easter related activities took place. Coloring contests for children 3 to 4 and 5 to 6, craft kits for the older children and Easter ornament handicraft kits for the adults.
June 14th 2022 - Queen Elizabeth Platinum Jubilee Supper
Here are a few photos of the event . . . Click on photo to enlarge.
August 31st 2022 - We hosted a Violence Against Women workshop with our guest speaker Brenda from the Prince Albert Women's Shelter providing information about what support services the shelter provides for women suffering from domestic abuse. Click on photo to enlarge.
October 12th 2022
Stella Sehn of Sweet Pure Honey conducted a soap making workshop with the participants creating their own homemade soaps from a variety of natural ingredients. All left with their own soap creations for use by themselves and their family.
October 20th 2022
Afternoon and evening sessions were held for anyone interested in Crystal Healing. Instructor Becky Hodgson provided information and thoughts of how this brings balance to an individual's life and mind. All attendees left with a sampling of crystals for use in their own lives.
November 1st 2022
Traditional crafter Doug Allen held a workshop teaching our participants how to create porcupine quill earrings.
December 2nd 2022
Chocolate dipping classes proved to be a very enjoyable time for all of our members. Everyone left with an assortment of goodies to take home to their children and grandchildren.
December 10th 2022
Series 1 of the Michif Language booklets was officially launched with over 140 people attending the event. Many of the guests also took this time to support those less fortunate and brought in wide a variety of clothing that was later distributed to the homeless. .
December 13th 2022
The Prince Albert Métis Women’s Association in Partnership with All Nation's Hope Network provided a Gender Based Violence Training workshop. Further workshops are being planned so please check back for a list of the upcoming dates and times.
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